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Mission Statement

Welcome on the website of New Dawn Europe, The Netherlands.
Get more relevant information about us and our Mission for Europe.

A Missionary Government, chosen in The Netherlands, will offer practical solutions and guidance, in order for us, to be excellent.


‘In order to have pretty salty and cultural relevant churches in Europe,
there must be a change of heart, inviting Life, Jesus Christ,
in order to have a changed lifestyle, that comes from being right with God.
A New Dawn in Europe, means accepting the good News of the Grace, of the
pure (no) Mercy of God, my Father, with high regard for the Current Time
and the Curricula, without discrimination and with honor.’

“A testimonial from abroad.
Shared in every season of life!”

Hanneke Verweij - C.E.O. New Dawn Europe - De Kroon

Chief Executive Officer (C.E.O.): Ms. Prof. H.G.C. Verweij
Secretary: Mrs. S.M. Rechtuijt
Treasurer: Mr. Righteous


Kamer van Koophandel: 72673982
Rechtspersonen en Samenwerkingsverbanden Info: 8591.92.593
Standaard Bedrijfsindeling: 94919
Giften aan St. New Dawn Europe: NL43 INGB 0008 8269 25 (INGBNL2A)

Address: 1e Stampioendwarsstraat 7A - Rotterdam
Business Mobile Number: (+31)-(0)6-45010400
Opening Hours: Tuesday-Thursday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.




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